Maya Angelou says: One isn't necessarily born with courage, but one is born with potential. Without courage, we cannot practice any other virtue with consistency. We can't be kind, true, merciful, generous, or honest unless we are courageous first.
The me you do not know.

- Insight 2 the Insane
- Valley of the (porn) Dolls, California, United States
- Ponderings of an underachiever, A perfectionist. A lazy bum. Obsessive Maniac. Aspiring saint. Sinner. Closet socialist. Unapologetic Capitalist. Nationalist with Colonial Mentality. Catholic. Liberation Theologist. Frustrated rock star. Old Dog. Middle-aged young boy.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
I am opinionated. I have an opinion about almost everything. Especially people. A college buddy recently told me that I either liked somebody or hated them with a passion. No in betweens.
I know I can be really critical of people. Sometimes I say that I am not "critical" I am just more observant than most J
Ok. Ok. I have to work on that.
We all need to look for the "good" in people. Everybody has some redeeming qualities. (While I am typing this, I am still trying to convince myself that this is true.)
Willie Revillame, for instance. Hmmm.. I'll get back to you on that. Bad example.
It is not jealousy. I think the past months have taught me that humility is more attractive on me.
I think it took me awhile but I have finally come around to accepting what I am and what I am not. What I can be and what I will never be. And I am good with that.
The sin of jealousy stifles the good work we all wanna do.
It speaks well of people who honor without envy, somebody who have prospered. Inversely, haters hate the good fortune the befall their peers. There are many roads to hate, but envy is the shortest of them all. You will lose friends so fast if you desire their demise. Be happy for them! Envy eats you from the inside out.
I read once that "Love looks through a telescope; envy, through a microscope." Oh sure you will find stuff wrong with everybody you meet. But focus, or better yet, step back. So you can see what is good. Jealousy is a self-inflicted wound. Although jealousy stems more from self-love than love for others. You aren't doing yourself any favors. It will eat you up till you are soo miserable that you miss all the blessings you have received. The only person worth envying is the person who doesn't envy.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Read the agenda dumbass. woman announced at a Texas Education Agency hearing yesterday that she is a 56-year-old virgin. She thought she was testifying at a hearing about sex education. She wasn't.
Former schoolteacher Deborah Parish (we're unsure on the spelling, since we got her name from the video), wanted to impress upon the agency that you can teach kids to get sexy without taking their clothes off, a proposition for which the fact that she had gone all her 56 years without "technically" having sex somehow serves as evidence. But before she could testify about all her gratifying fully clothed sexual experiences, the agency's members informed her that they were taking testimony on alcohol awareness—the sex ed stuff, when her virginal status would have been relevant, had all happened the day before. Read the agenda, virgin!
Former schoolteacher Deborah Parish (we're unsure on the spelling, since we got her name from the video), wanted to impress upon the agency that you can teach kids to get sexy without taking their clothes off, a proposition for which the fact that she had gone all her 56 years without "technically" having sex somehow serves as evidence. But before she could testify about all her gratifying fully clothed sexual experiences, the agency's members informed her that they were taking testimony on alcohol awareness—the sex ed stuff, when her virginal status would have been relevant, had all happened the day before. Read the agenda, virgin!
The world is whacked.
Mass media and advertising will have you believe that power, wealth and prestige bring you joy.
The movie Scarface is one of my favorite movies. I often tell people that I like it because it is a great "immigrant" story. A story of a refugee, who does well. I say that in jest. It is really a story about how the things "of this world" are temporary.
It also brings to mind an episode of Punk'd when they pretend to smash Justin Timberlake's guitar and Justin cries like a baby and calls his "mommy."
Material possession, prestige and power. The good life. Fast cars. Fast women (or men if you so prefer).
Hey who does not want to live life like a beer commercial? Sex, drugs and rock and roll. Isn't that why every teen picks up a guitar and wails like a banshee?
But we have seen how this house of cards crumbles so easily.They say every man in America is just 3 tragedies away from being homeless. Make a bad decision. Lose your source of income. Get sick. Lose control. And soon you find yourself in the gutter of broken dreams.

As a young boy, I never forgot the scene in Scarface where they show how well Tony Montana lived. He had a huge statue with a globe in his house that revolved… it said "The World is Yours." Hmmm. Knowing what I know now. Not really.
Do not put your love into something that can be taken away by men.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
What do you absolutely believe in?
The world is full of them. No not the cute, peace-sign, head tilting variety. Those are POSERS. But those who pretend to be somebody they are not.
We all know the type.
The wanna-be gangsta… with the fake chains and cubic zirconia earrings.Yeah, the one who think that tattoos makes them all hard and shit. The ones that think if they talk tough, they are tough. That if they shave their heads and dress the part…wooo they are soooooooo macho. Sad thing is, some girls people buy into it. I don’t know who the bigger loser is.
Or how ‘bout them chicks who think they know everything? I was in this focus group and we were in a room being asked questions, and this girl who claims she was a fashion stylist (but was dressed like a supermarket bum), in her stupid desire to brag that her boyfriend is a CFO of Sony, claims that Sony paid him a million dollars to not divulge information in a court of law, under oath. Soooo dumb coz the proceedings were being videotaped. True story.
If common sense was available as a pill… most people still will not take it.
Anyway, back to poseurs.
I remember when Fast and the Furious first came out, the import car racing scene was just about at its peak. It was not uncommon to see bone stock Honda Civics with the huge-ass spoilers running on OEM tires and rims. Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. There is a special place in hell for poseurs. All show and no go. I wonder how they feel everytime a real car with power is right next to them on a traffic light? Then again, maybe they have no shame.
Now let us talk about those who are real. Imagine all those people who stood up against what was popular. Those who got ridiculed and laughed at for standing up to what they believed in. Jesus Christ. Gandhi. MLK. They all went against the grain. They all got flak for not conforming. For espousing something that was different from the accepted norm. But they were real. They knew it. And soon multitudes of people knew it. They emerged victorious because they were real. Not a facsimile. Not a caricature. Not a fake. Not a poseur. They are real because they knew they knew something that most people have not seen. They have seen truth.
We all know, heroes are often ridiculed, shot, crucified. That is just how it plays out. The definition of a pioneer is the guy/gal with a target on his back. Knowing the truth is not easy. Because then, one needs to stand up for the truth. But it seems, knowing the truth gives them power…or at least the resolve to keep fighting.
But for many of us, there is nothing to stand up for. How many of us really, absolutely believe in something. To begin with, how many of us are really honest with ourselves? How many times have we lied to ourselves? If we are not true to oneself…how much more of a liar are we to the world?
Everybody has heard somebody say with bravado, “I’m keeping it real” No. That’s not what it’s about. It’s not about “I’ll get up on your face and tell you what I want because I’m real.” It is “This is what I believe. You can do and say all you want, but I am firm in what I believe in because I have proven it.”
The wannabe gangsta likes the mystique of being a cholo.. but doesn’t really want to live in la vida loca. The wannabe fashionista, wants to play the part of a chic celebrity, but really does not have the personality, the style, the cash or the looks to pull it off. They are not being true to themselves. They may fool some of the stupid people some time. But deep inside, they know they are as fake as a 2 dollar bill.
People are searching for something to believe in…
I am sure there is someone or something in this world we would consider trading our life for. But let us not confuse sacrifice for Belief.
It would be a good exercise to start a list. A list of things WE absolutely believe in. I wonder how long that list will be? Probably, not very long.
The world is full of them. No not the cute, peace-sign, head tilting variety. Those are POSERS. But those who pretend to be somebody they are not.
We all know the type.
The wanna-be gangsta… with the fake chains and cubic zirconia earrings.Yeah, the one who think that tattoos makes them all hard and shit. The ones that think if they talk tough, they are tough. That if they shave their heads and dress the part…wooo they are soooooooo macho. Sad thing is, some girls people buy into it. I don’t know who the bigger loser is.
Or how ‘bout them chicks who think they know everything? I was in this focus group and we were in a room being asked questions, and this girl who claims she was a fashion stylist (but was dressed like a supermarket bum), in her stupid desire to brag that her boyfriend is a CFO of Sony, claims that Sony paid him a million dollars to not divulge information in a court of law, under oath. Soooo dumb coz the proceedings were being videotaped. True story.
If common sense was available as a pill… most people still will not take it.
Anyway, back to poseurs.
I remember when Fast and the Furious first came out, the import car racing scene was just about at its peak. It was not uncommon to see bone stock Honda Civics with the huge-ass spoilers running on OEM tires and rims. Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. There is a special place in hell for poseurs. All show and no go. I wonder how they feel everytime a real car with power is right next to them on a traffic light? Then again, maybe they have no shame.
Now let us talk about those who are real. Imagine all those people who stood up against what was popular. Those who got ridiculed and laughed at for standing up to what they believed in. Jesus Christ. Gandhi. MLK. They all went against the grain. They all got flak for not conforming. For espousing something that was different from the accepted norm. But they were real. They knew it. And soon multitudes of people knew it. They emerged victorious because they were real. Not a facsimile. Not a caricature. Not a fake. Not a poseur. They are real because they knew they knew something that most people have not seen. They have seen truth.
We all know, heroes are often ridiculed, shot, crucified. That is just how it plays out. The definition of a pioneer is the guy/gal with a target on his back. Knowing the truth is not easy. Because then, one needs to stand up for the truth. But it seems, knowing the truth gives them power…or at least the resolve to keep fighting.
But for many of us, there is nothing to stand up for. How many of us really, absolutely believe in something. To begin with, how many of us are really honest with ourselves? How many times have we lied to ourselves? If we are not true to oneself…how much more of a liar are we to the world?
Everybody has heard somebody say with bravado, “I’m keeping it real” No. That’s not what it’s about. It’s not about “I’ll get up on your face and tell you what I want because I’m real.” It is “This is what I believe. You can do and say all you want, but I am firm in what I believe in because I have proven it.”
The wannabe gangsta likes the mystique of being a cholo.. but doesn’t really want to live in la vida loca. The wannabe fashionista, wants to play the part of a chic celebrity, but really does not have the personality, the style, the cash or the looks to pull it off. They are not being true to themselves. They may fool some of the stupid people some time. But deep inside, they know they are as fake as a 2 dollar bill.
People are searching for something to believe in…
I am sure there is someone or something in this world we would consider trading our life for. But let us not confuse sacrifice for Belief.
It would be a good exercise to start a list. A list of things WE absolutely believe in. I wonder how long that list will be? Probably, not very long.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Monday, September 7, 2009
You play, you pay.
Whew. I have a freakin shoulder spasm. Not enough sleep. Still a little slow.
But had a great day. Thanks for the memories Patron and Miller. You are always the life of the party.
More later when my brain cells grow back.
But had a great day. Thanks for the memories Patron and Miller. You are always the life of the party.
More later when my brain cells grow back.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Funny thing happened...
On the way out of the supermarket... I saw a middle-aged woman put a quarter in one of the coin-operated horses and ride it.
No, it wasn't a joke. She was not trying to make anybody laugh. She was alone. A Lone Ranger. Hi-ho Silver, Awaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!
No, it wasn't a joke. She was not trying to make anybody laugh. She was alone. A Lone Ranger. Hi-ho Silver, Awaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!
Friday, September 4, 2009
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Public official brags about beating somebody.
Watch interview here. Chavit admits to beating-up former live-in-partner and her lover.
Chavit Singson admits to beating up former live-in partner and her lover.
Tsk. tsk. Pinagyabang pa na buti daw di niya pinatay.
I understand that infidelities may make one crazy... but..we expect more from a public official...or should we?
Chavit Singson admits to beating up former live-in partner and her lover.
Tsk. tsk. Pinagyabang pa na buti daw di niya pinatay.
I understand that infidelities may make one crazy... but..we expect more from a public official...or should we?
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
If you are not outraged, then you have not been paying attention.
Kayo po na naka upo,
Subukan nyo namang tumayo
Baka matanaw, at baka matanaw ninyo
Ang tunay na kalagayan ko
Ganito kasi yan eh...
Tao po, nandyan po ba kayo sa loob ng
Malaking bahay at malawak na bakuran
Mataas na pader pinapaligiran
At naka pilang mga mamahaling sasakyan
Mga bantay na laging bulong ng bulong
Wala namang kasal pero marami ang naka barong
Lumakas man ang ulan ay walang butas ang bubong
Mga plato't kutsara na hindi kilala ang tutong
At ang kanin ay simputi ng gatas na nasa kahon
At kahit na hindi pasko sa lamesa ay may hamon
Ang sarap sigurong manirahan sa bahay na ganyan
Sabi pa nila ay dito mo rin matatagpuan
Ang tao na nagmamay-ari ng isang upuan
Na pag may pagkakatao'y pinag-aagawan
Kaya naman hindi niya pinakakawalan
Kung makikita ko lamang siya ay aking sisigawan
Kayo po na naka upo,
Subukan nyo namang tumayo,
Baka matanaw, at baka matanaw ninyo
Ang tunay na kalagayan ko
Mawalang galang na po
Sa taong naka upo,
Alam niyo bang pantakal ng bigas namin ay di puno
Ang ding-ding ng bahay namin ay pinagtagpi-tagping yero
Sa gabi ay sobrang init na tumutunaw ng yelo
Na di kayang bilhin upang ilagay sa inumin
Pinakulong tubig sa lumang takuring uling-uling
Gamit lang panggatong na inanod lamang sa istero
Na nagsisilbing kusina sa umaga'y aming banyo
Ang aking inay na may kayamanan isang kaldero
Na nagagamit kapag ang aking ama ay sumueldo
Pero kulang na kulang parin,
Ulam na tuyo't asin
Ang singkwenta pesos sa maghapo'y pagkakasyahin
Di ko alam kung talagang maraming harang
O mataas lang ang bakod
O nagbubulag-bulagan lamang po kayo
Kahit sa dami ng pero niyo
Walang doktor na makapag papalinaw ng mata niyo
Wag kang masyadong halata
Bato-bato sa langit
Ang matamaay wag magalit
O bato-bato bato sa langit
Ang matamaan ay
Wag masyadong halata
Wag kang masyadong halata
Hehey, (Wag kang masyadong halata)
(Wag kang masyadong halata)
Watch the video. Upuan By Gloc9
Kayo po na naka upo,
Subukan nyo namang tumayo
Baka matanaw, at baka matanaw ninyo
Ang tunay na kalagayan ko
Ganito kasi yan eh...
Tao po, nandyan po ba kayo sa loob ng
Malaking bahay at malawak na bakuran
Mataas na pader pinapaligiran
At naka pilang mga mamahaling sasakyan
Mga bantay na laging bulong ng bulong
Wala namang kasal pero marami ang naka barong
Lumakas man ang ulan ay walang butas ang bubong
Mga plato't kutsara na hindi kilala ang tutong
At ang kanin ay simputi ng gatas na nasa kahon
At kahit na hindi pasko sa lamesa ay may hamon
Ang sarap sigurong manirahan sa bahay na ganyan
Sabi pa nila ay dito mo rin matatagpuan
Ang tao na nagmamay-ari ng isang upuan
Na pag may pagkakatao'y pinag-aagawan
Kaya naman hindi niya pinakakawalan
Kung makikita ko lamang siya ay aking sisigawan
Kayo po na naka upo,
Subukan nyo namang tumayo,
Baka matanaw, at baka matanaw ninyo
Ang tunay na kalagayan ko
Mawalang galang na po
Sa taong naka upo,
Alam niyo bang pantakal ng bigas namin ay di puno
Ang ding-ding ng bahay namin ay pinagtagpi-tagping yero
Sa gabi ay sobrang init na tumutunaw ng yelo
Na di kayang bilhin upang ilagay sa inumin
Pinakulong tubig sa lumang takuring uling-uling
Gamit lang panggatong na inanod lamang sa istero
Na nagsisilbing kusina sa umaga'y aming banyo
Ang aking inay na may kayamanan isang kaldero
Na nagagamit kapag ang aking ama ay sumueldo
Pero kulang na kulang parin,
Ulam na tuyo't asin
Ang singkwenta pesos sa maghapo'y pagkakasyahin
Di ko alam kung talagang maraming harang
O mataas lang ang bakod
O nagbubulag-bulagan lamang po kayo
Kahit sa dami ng pero niyo
Walang doktor na makapag papalinaw ng mata niyo
Wag kang masyadong halata
Bato-bato sa langit
Ang matamaay wag magalit
O bato-bato bato sa langit
Ang matamaan ay
Wag masyadong halata
Wag kang masyadong halata
Hehey, (Wag kang masyadong halata)
(Wag kang masyadong halata)
Watch the video. Upuan By Gloc9
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