Mass media and advertising will have you believe that power, wealth and prestige bring you joy.
The movie Scarface is one of my favorite movies. I often tell people that I like it because it is a great "immigrant" story. A story of a refugee, who does well. I say that in jest. It is really a story about how the things "of this world" are temporary.
It also brings to mind an episode of Punk'd when they pretend to smash Justin Timberlake's guitar and Justin cries like a baby and calls his "mommy."
Material possession, prestige and power. The good life. Fast cars. Fast women (or men if you so prefer).
Hey who does not want to live life like a beer commercial? Sex, drugs and rock and roll. Isn't that why every teen picks up a guitar and wails like a banshee?
But we have seen how this house of cards crumbles so easily.They say every man in America is just 3 tragedies away from being homeless. Make a bad decision. Lose your source of income. Get sick. Lose control. And soon you find yourself in the gutter of broken dreams.

As a young boy, I never forgot the scene in Scarface where they show how well Tony Montana lived. He had a huge statue with a globe in his house that revolved… it said "The World is Yours." Hmmm. Knowing what I know now. Not really.
Do not put your love into something that can be taken away by men.
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